Juice Kit B

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Juicing on a budget!

Contents: 8-10 carrots, 5 apples, 1 celery, 1 bunch of kale

Freshly juiced fruit and vegetables have become a staple in many diets – especially those of busy, health-conscious consumers who can save time on making their food without missing out on nutrients.

For a person that incorporates juicing into a healthy diet, the juice can also be a great way to add new types of produce. Many of us have our favourite fruits and vegetables that we eat day to day, but how often to you step outside those routine  foods and try something new?

Plus, juicing is a great way for us to utilize "seconds", so don't be surprised if the produce doesn't look perfect! By introducing this product we have been able to reduce the amount of produce that is otherwise composted due to an unusual shape or blemish.

This is a delivery item only. Delivery orders must be submitted by midnight each Saturday in order to be delivered the following week. Please see our delivery schedule here.