Cream Top, Non Homogenized, Whole Milk

$9.00 $10.00

Size: 2L

Sheldon Creek Dairy Farm is owned and operated by the den Haan Family. This Whole Milk with a cream top is non homogenized and comes from their purebred Holstein herd.


What do your cows eat? Are they grass fed? 

 Our cows are pasture fed in the spring and summer months and in the winter, get fed a grassy alfalfa hay which we grow right here on the farm. In fact, all our forages for our cows is grown right here so we know exactly what they are eating.

Learn more about SHELDON CREEK'S COWS Here


This is a delivery item only. Delivery orders must be submitted by Sunday at noon for delivery either Wed or Thurs. Please see our delivery schedule here.

Disclaimer: Please know that when you are ordering milk this will be delivered with all other products/orders on your area's assigned day. Please ensure that someone is home and available to receive this delivery for immediate refrigeration.