Dec 1, 2024
Praying for a Miracle

This is it. This is when we take off. I can feel it. The people are ready to take back ownership of their lives. Their health. Their finances. Their families. There is a mission in place. And all who want to access it - can.
The Journey to Freedom involves authenticity. Who are you? And what do you spend your time doing? A large part of what we need to acknowledge on a daily basis is that our brain is a computer. It needs to be programmed.
We are metaphysical human beings, we need to tell ourselves what to think - not the other way around. If you are not doing this - by default - you have been programmed by the matrix. Your thoughts are its thoughts. And that is just not good.
What your thoughts do - on a consistent basis - is act like a toddler. Only you’re not a toddler. You are capable of so much more. You are a full grown, adult.
However, your maturity is earned. Your discipline is developed. If you’ve never trained your mind, then what do you expect the results to look like? It’s best instead to decide for yourself what you are working towards. What do you want for your life? It’s ok to ask!
Knock and the Door will be Opened. Ask and You Shall Receive.
Time to start making some decisions. A big part of what was holding me back in my life was that I ultimately didn’t believe that I could have what I wanted. So I never even tried. Even as I started farming, I wasn’t sure of what I was doing - although I did recognize that farming felt good. I just wanted more of that. The problem with that is, it’s not enough. I can’t create what I want - if I don’t know what that is. So I was half way there - but I had a lot to learn.
Making Time
A big part of creating what you want for yourself starts in what I call the nothing. The nothing is where all thought comes from. If you don’t access the nothing, again, the matrix will by default, think your thoughts for you. So are they yours? Or someone else’s? It’s time to spend time with the nothing. Likely after quieting your mind - you will quickly come to understand that you really do need to do more of this. That this nothing time, is the so called, magic maker.
When I first tried to understand what prayer was, I could only go based off what I saw, which was Christian’s asking God for what they want. As my relationship with God deepened, I came to understand it was actually the opposite. While I am a firm believer in asking for what you want, I see true pray as getting quiet enough - to hear what God wants. And for the record, the results have always been better than I could ever dream up on my own.
For those of you more comfortable with the word meditation - it’s the same thing. You’re calling on your source to activate. You’re controlling the reality - not the other way around. Controlling it isn’t even the right word. You ARE source.
You are limitless.
Let's talk about what's real.
If you could have anything, what would you want? If you could live anywhere, where would it be? If you could drive any car you wanted, what would you pick? If money was not an issue, where would your passions lead you? What would be your hobby? How would you spend your time?
It's definitely worth thinking about. Reality is at least partially up to us, is it not?
Keeping Healthy
We are born into this world with a very particular set of circumstances. It’s up to you what you do about it. It’s your choice that will determine the outcome. Within this life, there are consistent rules. 1 being, there are foods you can eat that will create an optimal experience for your life. and there are foods that do the opposite. There are also medicines that enhance your life. Without consequences. Just better and better and better.
The thing is though, there are also drugs, that do the opposite of medicine. They make things worse. So if the opposite exists, and you take the easy way, the default way, the inauthentic way, it's pretty clear - there are consequences. And these consequences inevitably - suck. What’s unfortunate about this is that the majority of people do not understand that they can turn their lives around. Instead, they’ve accepted their reality - as truth.
But our lives don't have to suck.

There's another way
No one said it was easy, but it’s a heck of a lot easier than negative, default consequences that is for sure. So ya, taking steps to address all areas of your life is not an easy process. We need to acknowledge that.
Especially if you’ve never even tried. It’s ok to not know how to do it. It's also ok to feel like giving up. What matters most is - you continue on.
Ultimately this is where our community comes in. We all benefit from not only being able to talk this out, but also by seeing others actually do it. Aka live it.
Role models go a long way when it comes to inspiration. Of course it’s easy to quit. It’s much harder to press on when times are tough - and that’s exactly when you need a helping hand.
Farm School
The Farm School has been designed to take you all the way back to basics. With these very role models by your side. Perhaps you’ve skipped over a few steps in your life, so let's go back over a some things. Together.
Like what?
Like what is an ecosystem really? And how do soil and mycelium work? What is a microorganism? How does food affect our gut health? And our mental health? It’s so important to understand that our environment shapes us. It’s only by going back to the beginning, the very basics - that you can reset your life.
You CAN start over - and our “program” wants to make this as easy as possible for you, to make all changes necessary.
Let’s talk about it. If you are interested in Signing up for our 2025 Farm School, or you are interested in sponsoring the tuition fee for someone you know or a complete stranger, please enter your information here and someone from our team will be in touch.
Imagine if our community really pulled together and started over. This is what that would look like.
Plus - it’s Christmas. Giving and Receiving are both incredible experiences we can choose to embrace, right now! The choice is yours..

Leave us your email and we will be in touch regarding our 2025 Farm School.