Real Life Media, June 2021
Learn How to Grow Your Own Food
With Small Scale Farms and Heart and Soil Niagara

Most people can't believe how much money you would save by growing your own food. Companies have spent many years, and billions of dollars to try and convince you otherwise, but the fact of the matter is, within time, you could even be eating for FREE.
It just depends on your priorities. What is it that is important to you? What is it you value in life? Many of us would answer family. Friends. Our work. But interestingly enough, and although we don't talk about it much, we definitely value our time.
Some more than others. Some less than others. But truly, our time on this planet, should be evaluated. How do you spend it? And if you spend your time working, the next logical question is what do you "spend" your money on? In trade you've worked for your money, so why not work for your food?
How Growing Food Changes Your Life - For the Better
Self Reliance. Growing your own food provides the assurance, you have what you need. You are capable of providing for yourself, and your family.
Health. Growing your own food without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides, IN THE SOIL, provides your body with vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs. Nothing is fresher than pulling a head of lettuce for example, directly out of your own garden.
Money. A family of 4 is averaging $300 a week at the grocery store. How many hours do you have to work, just to EAT! Invest your money and a little bit of TIME, into your own garden
How to start:
YOU DO NOT NEED TO TILL YOUR GRASS. If you need to buy decent soil to get started, that's one thing, but tilling your grass is not recommended unless it's the only way you can see yourself getting started this year. Otherwise, order some soil and have it delivered. Pick your area for your garden and use a SOIL CALCULATOR to decide how much area you'd like to cover. You'll need approximately 4 inches (depth) x length x width.
Tilling is NOT recommended as it is just simply not the long term game. It provides immediate fertility, but it destroys the soil life, the source of long-term fertility. It also leaves the soil vulnerable to wind and water erosion, which would remove quality topsoil and eventually leave you with only infertile subsoil to work with.
Covering your grass with soil, (cut grass low and completely cover the grass with 4 inches of soil), will kill the grass, and yet not disturb the microbiome already in place. Plus the dying grass provides more nitrogen to the soil as it dies.
Seedlings: There is still time - all the way until August to plant seeds. The weather is warm enough in Niagara now, to plant outside. Even a tomato plant can be started from a seed, outdoors, right now. Let's be honest, your first year is likely not going to be your best. Truly almost everything you try this year, will be better next year, but you have to start somewhere!
Mentorship - Planting seeds is easy, but it's way easier when you have someone to show you HOW. Do you know someone who grows their own food? They''d likely be happy you asked, most gardeners love to share what they know. YouTube is a fantastic resource for all things HOW TO and there's a ton of fantastic company's out there like Heart and Soil who you can trust will help show you the way. It's never too late to learn.
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Article credit : Heidi Cohen ( )